Ever think the impossible can't happen? Well, it did. I just got a snow day from the ACT! Wow, I like taking the ACT...but snow days are always good no matter when they happen. w00t!
Snow Day!!!! w00t! I've been able to miss Motlow since Tuesday...I win Mr. Kelly! Muahahaha! Anyways, just chillen, don't want to go back to school tomorrow, but oh well.
It's so painful...scholarships are a slow and painful death. No remorse for the fallen. My fingers are killing me from all the typing and editing. I wish it would end soon. HOW MUCH LONGER SHALL I SUFFER! AAAAAHHHH....I think I only have one more. Thank the Lord!
This morning I learned how much the n00bs in my 2nd period love CS 1.6. Even after my Triple-Ace (three games in a row where I took all shots and killed everyone), these n00bs kept on fighting. I have never seen such a proud moment in n00bdom history. Congrats, n00bs.
Hey all, I am t3h n00b here. I am learning this stuff for some reason...lol. I am t3h n00b3st. Hopefully I will gain some nonsense in my head to put down on here. Check it out.